No User Interface

No User Interface (NUI) () refers to cases where no user interfaces is required nor desired.



The capabilities provided by technical products are growing significantly faster than the ability of end users to comprehend the benefits. In addition, the majority of end users are challenged to even configure these products to perform the functions they desire.

Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) were developed to simplify the user experience with technical products. But as product complexity grows, even the high level interfaces to products becomes increasingly difficult to use effectively. Textbooks are often written just to teach users how to interact and effectively use the GUI for products.

Increasingly, end users want products to simply "work" out of the box, without spending alot of time setting them up and configuring them. The NUI allows users to reap the benefits of the product without the need to understand how the product works or figuring out the magical words or commands to tell it what to do.


NUI can be viewed synonymously with "It just works". For example: the DVD player has a great NUI; no clock to set, just put in a DVD and it starts playing.

See Also

Graphical User Interface
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