No Service (Mickey Mouse)

"No Service" is the first episode of the first season of the American animated television series Mickey Mouse, and the first episode overall. Directed, written and storyboarded by series creator Paul Rudish, the episode premiered on Disney Channel on June 28, 2013. The episode revolves around Mickey, along with Donald Duck, trying to buy lunch at a beach pier, and having to oblige to the rules of the kiosk, causing Mickey to go nude.
The episode begins with Mickey Mouse and Donald at a beach pier, whistling in harmony. Mickey decides to buy lunch for a picnic, which he would have with Donald, Minnie and Daisy. At the kiosk, the owner, Goofy, refuses to serve the two due to breaking the service's rule, "No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service".
Mickey compromises to go get a meal for the both of them by wearing Donald's shirt, but Donald wants to wear Mickey's shoes. Drawing straws (feathers), Donald wins (although the feather was also bigger than him, so it's impossible), causing Mickey to have to become nude in public by taking off his pants and shoes.
Now nude, Mickey waits for Donald to obtain the food, hiding behind the kiosk. However, Donald emerges in conversation with Goofy, making subtle remarks to Mickey's nudity. Mickey gets frustrated, but then continues hiding when he hears Minnie and Daisy coming. In multiple attempts to hide, like behind a bush, behind a trash can and in an umbrella, Mickey proves further that he's all out of luck. A gust of wind blows Mickey into a beach shop, covering him in swimming gear. Mickey imitates Donald as payback, but Donald is not amused, shooting a nail at him, causing the gear to pop.
Mickey continues hiding as Minnie and Daisy reach the lamppost that Mickey and Donald were first at. Donald tries to pay for the food with credit, but fails to realize that the ID he tried to use is actually Mickey's. Goofy angrily kicks Donald out, causing him to fly into the air, blowing his clothes off. Mickey practically jumps into the clothes, as Donald crashes into the floor right in front of Minnie and Daisy. Daisy is very embarrassed, and leaves for the picnic with Mickey and Minnie.
Beachgoers chase Donald, mocking him. Goofy ends the episode, remarking "Boy, some people ain't got no class," while scratching his belly button.
The episode first aired on Disney Channel on June 28, 2013, released to YouTube the following day. As of January 2022, the video has over 82 million views.
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