Nicolas Micheletti

Nicolas Micheletti (born in 1990) is an italian activist from Tuscany.
He was born in Pisa and graduated there in economics, before graduating with honors from the Rome University of Fine Arts. On the occasion of the 2019 European Parliament election the Federation of the Greens asked Democrazia Verde to join, so Micheletti was a candidate for the European Elections, but was subsequently expelled for internal reasons. So he joined the Italian Animalist Party and become a spokesperson.
In 2021 he founded the international organization End The Slaughter Age and wrote the initiative of the same name for European Citizens' Initiative to shift subsidies from animal husbandry to plant alternatives and cellular agriculture. The initiative was registered by the European Commission on April 27 and was started on June 5. End The Slaughter Age is supported by over one hundred organizations, like LIPU and Italian Horse Protection Association and political parties, like the Human Environment Animal Protection party and the Animalist Party.
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