Neil Nayyar

Neil Nayyar is a young Indian musician born in California who is a world record holder for playing the largest number of musical instruments. At the age of 12, he broke the world record by playing 44 musical instruments. Two years later, at the age of 14, he broke his own world record by playing 107 musical instruments.
The Assist World Foundation (India) has marked this teenager as the youngest person to play the maximum number of musical instruments. He has been awarded the Medal of Mayor by City of Elk Grove Mayor Steve Ly for his accomplishments in music.
Neil was also recognized by World Records India for playing 107 musical instruments.
Neil played the National Anthem at the NBA Sacramento Kings Game held in Sacramento. His achievements continued with his performance for a fundraising event by United States Vice President Joe Biden in Bay Area, and his performance at the United Nations Sacramento Chapter for a Climate Change event.
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