Nazir Jahangir

Mysteries and Spirituality by Nazir Jahangir

A thoughtless mind is like a balloon wanders aimlessly and falls down! KHALIL GIBRAN said: If a door is closed on you, there is always a window beneath the surface of the wall but God has left it to you to do the scratching. If you are in search of seeking the Truth/Reality, following publications may be of your help.


Accounts of Jinnee!
Reality of Magic!
True Stories knotted with mysteries.
Life Means pain for me(Interview)
What is mysticism?

You may discover all the answers in Nazir jahangir's publications

Publications by Nazir Jahangir

1. Knotty Mysteries

2. Life, Hadith and Mysticism

3. Dreams (An exaustive book on dreams)

Nazir Jahangir's take on writing

Writing merely doesn’t mean recoding things as they happened. If one simply writes what one feels that is pure photography. Experiences need to be brewed in the purgatory of ones mind and heart. Emotions are to be crisped in the agonies of life to make them communicable to others. One of the prodigious job of a writer is to made his experiences universal.

Jahangir has his own distinction. His diction, his treatment is always different. In fact , his short story would itself bespeak that he has been jotted down by Nazir Jahangir

Pain is the canvas on which I paint

Whether it is my short stories, poetry or plays, my theme is always pain in its comprehensive sense. Pain is the canvas on which I paint. Each individual soul seems pain incarnate to me. Every laughter to me is fraught with vestiges of agony. Man’s laughter seems insincere while his crying genuine. I think I have seen life raw. Even birds and flowers to me seem writhing with angst. When a flower boasts of its color that is basically a posture to hide its pain. So far as I have penetrated human psychology, I feel human weaknesses, pride, laughter, dressing and every aspect of human personality as an effort to mitigate that pain, whether he is conscious or unconscious of it. Anyone who refutes me is not saying truth.
Nazir Jahangir

Nazir Jahangir's Website
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