
Navent Group is a Latin-American Internet company that owns and operates several real estate and jobs sites across the region. Navent currently operates in 13 countries and has over 16 million individual monthly users.
Navent Group was established to provide the highest quality jobs and real estate online listings to people living in Latin America, as a majority of listings in the region are currently only available in print. It owns five job classifieds websites: Bumeran, Konzerta, Multitrabajos, UniversoBit, and Curriculum, the most popular of which is Bumeran has over 5 million individual users per month and lists over 50,000 job postings.
Navent also owns and manages Imovelweb (Brazil), Inmuebles24 (Mexico), Adondevivir (Peru), Plusvalia (Ecuador), and Compreoalquile (Panama), which are the leading real estate sites in their respective countries. Navent currently has a strong presence in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela, and the Dominican Republic. It is headquartered in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Navent's CEO, Nicolas Tejerina, states that Navent’s goal is to be the leading provider of Internet employment and housing listings in Latin America.
As of January 2013, Navent has received $70 million in venture capital.
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