National Council on Accreditation of Coaching Education

The National Council for Accreditation of Coaching Education (NCACE) was founded in 2000 by American sport and coaching education leaders. A non-profit organization, NCACE promotes the providing of coaches for sports participants through the review of coaching education programs, and by encouraging the continuous improvement of coaching education. To date, over 20 coaching education programs, both youth sport and institutions of higher learning, have been accredited by NCACE.
Key to NCACE’s efforts are the National Standards for Sport Coaches (NSSC). Originally published in 1995 and updated in 2006 by the National Association for Sport & Physical Education, the NSSC provides the basis in which NCACE evaluates the content of coaching education programs.
Accrediting Quality Coaching Education
NCACE grants accreditation to educational programs that meet or exceed the requirements outlined in the NCACE Guidelines for Accreditation of Coaching Education. Sport coaching educational programs are evaluated according to documentation provided by coaching education providers who demonstrate the ability to furnish to coaches the knowledge, skills and values described in the NSSC. Applications for accreditation are accepted twice a year in January and July.
NCACE Organization
NCACE is governed by a Board of Directors representing all segments of the amateur sports world and coaching education industry. The NCACE Executive Director supports Board activities and oversees the accreditation process.
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