Nate Novo

Nate Novo is the alter-ego of Nathaniel McCoy, the primary superhero in Marvel's upcoming 2010 motion picture 'Have a Go Hero'. Created in 2009 by British comic book company Starkiller, 'Nate Novo' was quickly sold to Marvel as the future of Starkiller's comic book franchise and as a lucrative money spinner for Marvel Comics fledgling interest in Comic Book/Film adaptations.
In the comic, Nathaniel McCoy is portrayed as a quiet outcast, fascinated by the vivid world of the Comic Book. On his Seventeeth birthday McCoy travels to Los Angeles to meet his boyhood hero, and comic book extraordinare, Maurice Micklewhite. Micklewhite picks up on McCoys passion for comics and similarity to his boyhood self and offers him his original sketchbooks. The enchantment of the comic book and his passion for the genre enables McCoy to acquire the abilities of the character of his choosing for 24 hours.
The comic encorporates aspects of audience interaction and the employment of up-and-coming writers to provide quality into the comic book production. And Starkiller comics is one of the first companies to incorporate these business strategies into their company.
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