Natalie Khawam

Natalie Khawam (born January 1, 1975, formerly married to Grayson P. Wolfe) is a Lebanese-American lawyer and the identical twin sister of Jill Kelley. She was reportedly also friends with both General David Petraeus and General John R. Allen. Media reports have described have revealed her connections among the political and military elite that has resulted from the Petraeus scandal.
CBS News reported that according to White House sources, both Kelley and Khawam visited the White House three times from September to November 2012.
The visits occurred after the FBI had begun investigating allegedly threatening and jealous emails Kelley said she received over her friendship with then-CIA Director Petraeus. Khawam had a relationship with Gerald Harrington the vice chair of finance for John Kerry's 2004 presidential campaign. Harrington had an "on-again off-again" relationship with Khawam, extending her a large personal loan worth $300,000, according to her bankruptcy records. Harrington is a fundraiser for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC), the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) and the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and it was Harrington that gave Khawam access to events hosted by Senator John Kerry, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse and Representative Patrick J. Kennedy. Kelley and Khawam have also attended various fundraising events such as for Senator Marco Rubio.
Natalie Khawam was born in Beirut, Lebanon on January 1, 1975.
Khawam was married to Grayson P. Wolfe, a former Bush administration official who directed Middle East initiatives and Iraqi reconstruction efforts at the Export-Import Bank.
Natalie lives with her twin sister Jill according to media reports. Both Natalie and Jill are friends with both Generals Petraeus and Allen.
Rhode Island lobbyist and Democratic fundraiser Jerry (Gerald) Harrington gave a loan to Khawam for $300,000 that she defaulted on.
Both Generals Petraeus and Allen wrote letters of support for Khawam in the custody dispute concerning her son. The judge handling the custody battle took issue with Khawam's claims of domestic violence, calling them "patently incredible" and "obviously fabricated." The presiding judge said Khawam "has extreme personal deficits in the areas of honesty and integrity."
In addition, the court papers reveal that Khawam had built relationships with Washington elite, including with U.S. Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts
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