Nashville Autonomous Zone

The Nashville Autonomous Zone (NAZ), sometimes referred to as the Ida B. Wells Plaza, is a self-declared autonomous zone on the Capitol grounds of Nashville, Tennessee. Modeled on the preceding Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, the Nashville Zone was established on June 12, 2020, during the George Floyd protests. As of Monday the 15th, protesters were still in control of the Plaza in defiance of police orders.
Local governance in the Zone is decentralized, with the goal of creating a zone without police. Free food and water is available for activists.
Nashville had already seen extensive protest in the wake of the death of George Floyd. On June 12th local activists called for protesters to occupy the Capitol grounds, starting at 5:00 p.m. local time. Fliers circulated by organizers demanded "Fire Chief Anderson. Defund the Police. Demilitarize the Police. Remove Racist Statues." In the wake of Occupy Wall Street the Tennessee State Legislature passed law making the occupation of State land after 10:00 p.m. a Class A misdemeanor.
Alternatively, protesters have said that they will remain until Governor Lee agrees to defund the police, or to come in person and discuss police brutality with them. Purported demands associated with the Zone include the abolition or defunding of police, the firing of the Nashville Chief of Police, and the removal of monuments believed to be racist.
The Nashville PD has said that they are monitoring the situation in coordination with other law enforcement agencies.
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