Naser Muheyeldin

Naser Muheyeldin is an American lawyer from California. He has a Juris Doctor degree in Law. He is a member of the GCC Arbitration Center and of the International Bar Association. He is also a member of the Dubai International Financial Center Courts and Arbitration Center and a member of the Dubai International Arbitration Center.
Muheyeldin has participated in many mediation cases in the Dubai Courts Mediation Center. As well as taking court cases, he is an individual counsel. Currently, he acts as a legal adviser to Prince Nasser Abdelazziz Alsaoud and to other individuals in Saudi Arabia.
He also holds the position of Chief Executive Officer and Managing Partner of Emirates Fortune Group, and that of Chief Legal Officer of Saudi Arabian Investment in London.
He is currently a member of the International Bar Association, an associate member of the Dubai International Arbitration Center, and a member of DIFC Court.
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