Narjis daughter of Yeshua

Lady Narjis was the daughter of Yeshua who was the son of Qusair, the king of Rome. Her mother was one of the descendants of Sham'uun who was of one of the twelve apostles of Prophet Messiah (Jesus). Her nickname is Um Mohammad.
She was born just before the year 240 of the Islamic calendar in the capital of the Roman Empire.
Conversion to Islam
Lady Narjis narrated the story of her reversion to Islam to Bishr. She said to him: “..I also saw after four nights as if the Lady of all women (Fatima Al-Zahraa) peace be upon her had visited me and with her was Mary the daughter of Imran peace be upon her and a thousand maids from heaven. So Mary said to me: This is the Lady of the women of the earths and she is the mother of your husband Abu Mohammad (Imam L-Hassan Al-Askari) peace be upon him. So I held her and cried and complained to her that Abu Mohammad peace be upon him is not visiting me. So the Lady of all women said to me: My son will not visit you whilst you associate partners to Allah in your Christian religion and here my sister Mary the mother of Jesus is innocent from your religion. If you want Allah to be pleased with you and the Messiah and his mother Mary and you want Abu Mohammad to visit you then say: I testify that there is no God but Allah and I testify that Mohammad is His messenger. When I said these words the Lady of all women hugged me and pleased me. Then she said: Now you can expect Abu Mohammad peace be upon him to visit you because I will send him to you. I said: How much am I longing to meet Abu Mohammad. The following evening Abu Mohammad came to me in my dream. I saw him and it was as if I was saying to him: Why did you avoid me my darling after you have made my heart busy with your love? He said: My delay in meeting you was only due to your beliefs in association a partner to Allah. As soon as you submitted to Allah I visited you and shall visit you every night until Allah brings us together. He did not stop visiting me after that until now (we are together).”
Marriage to Imam Al-Hassan Al Askari
Lady Hakima the sister of Imam Al-Hadi said: “There was a young lady with me named Narjis who I was bringing up. None other than me brought her up since I had her. Abu Mohammad Al-Askari peace be upon him came to us one day and looked at her so I said: My master, do you want anything from her? He said: Us the successors do not give women looks that are suspicious, rather I am looking out of astonishment because the blessed birth will come from her. Lady Hakima said: I said: Do you want me to give her in marriage to you? He said: Ask my father regarding this. So I went to my brother and when I entered he was smiling at me and said: Oh Hakima, you came to ask me for my permission regarding the young lady? Give her in marriage to Abu Mohammad Al-Askari for Allah loves for you to be a part in this matter. So I made her up and gave her in marriage to Abu Mohammad Al-Askari peace be upon him.”
The historical sources did not record the exact date of her passing away. What is known is that she died after Imam Al-Askari's death. So that is after the year 260 on the Islamic calendar. She was buried next to the shrines of Imam Al-Hadi and Imam Al-Askari in the Iraqi city of Samarra.
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