N V Sathyanarayana

N V Sathyanarayana, popularly known as Sathya, is an information entrepreneur and the founder of . He is currently the Chairman and Managing Director of Informatics , a company providing library services and research software.
Early Life and Education
Sathya was born on 19 July 1953 in Hebbur, Tumkur District, Karnataka. After completing his school education, he went to the University of Mysore and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree. He later enrolled in the same university to pursue Bachelor’s degree in Library Science and graduated in 1972.

Sathya is a former Librarian and an Information Scientist turned Information Entrepreneur. He was elected as the president of the Karnataka State Library Association for two consecutive periods (1999-2001). Today, he is an active member of the same. During the 2002-2003 period, Sathya was a visiting Professor of the Department of Studies in Library & Information Sciences, University of Mysore, Mysore. From 2003-2008, he was the Vice President of Society for Information Science (SIS India) and remained an active member till-date. He was also the Chairman of the Working Group on Libraries & Knowledge Network (LKN) of Karnataka Knowledge Commission (KKC) in 2012 and Member of the Research Council of National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources. (NISCAIR), New Delhi. In 2014-2015, he led MILAN (Mysore University Information and Library Science Alumni Network) activities as the president of the committee and is currently a Chief Patron member. He also serves as a member of the advisory board of the Center for Educational and Social Studies
In 1992, Society for Information Science (India) awarded him as the Young Information Scientist for his contribution in pioneering the introduction and promotion of online and CD-ROM technology products and publishing in India during the 1980s.
* Digital Libraries: Dynamic storehouse of digitized information
* Collection Development in the E-Content World
He is a well-known speaker at various library conferences and events, like the Informatics Endowment Lecture series on Digital Libraries, Charleston Library Conference, and the International Conference on Future of Libraries..
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