My bad

"My bad" is an American idiom that was made popular by basketball players in playground games in the 1980s. It usually means "my fault", "my mistake", "I apologize" or "mea culpa". It gained popularity with urban players of streetball and then spread into mainstream popularity, in particular through its use in the 1995 coming-of-age comedy film Clueless, starring Alicia Silverstone.
Terkourafi uses the evolution of the pragmatic meaning of this specific idiom to illustrate the concept of "conventionalization", in which the way politeness is expressed is given by convention, using stock phrases that no longer have their original literal meaning.
" My Bad?" was a facetious retort to a comment of some wrongly accusing who wanted to say "You're bad" but instead said " Your Bad". Apparently some streetball players started using the phrase in their common language.
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