Musican Middle Class

The phrase, “Musician Middle Class,” was created by former recording engineer/producer, and Founder/CEO of in 2005 to describe the increasing number of active musicians who can make a living from creating and marketing their own recorded music. The advent of low cost, high quality recording equipment, combined with the increased number of independent record labels, and available placements in Films and Television has propelled this growth.
Due to illegal file sharing and other changes in the music industry, far fewer artists are realizing sales of multi-million units. As that number decreases, many more people will have the opportunity to make money with their music, but likely in smaller amounts. This “Musician Middle Class” is made up of musicians, and songwriters who have found ways to monetize their music by touring, independent releases, song cuts with other artists, and Film and TV placements.
Opportunities for music placement in Film and Television has allowed a large number of songwriters and composers to monetize their craft regardless of age, gender, or lack or “rock star” image that they were requisite with the major record labels.
The increasingly large number of songwriters and musicians who are having their music placed by music publishers, and independently licensed has clearly defined the “Musician Middle Class”
Through companies such as Michael Laskow’s TAXI (A&R), as well as other outlets, there is a ever-increasing group of musicians that are earning a steady, and livable income from their music, that have begun to use the term, “Musician Middle Class,” while embracing the lifestyle.
Since the internet is such a large factor in this growing community, there are a many articles, message boards, social networking sites, and blogs that have already added the term “Musician Middle Class” to their lexicon.
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