Morteza Javidi

Morteza Javidi (, 13 March 1959 - 27 January 1987) was an Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps officer. He served as commander of the Fajr Battalion of Al-Mahdi Division during Iran-Iraq War. He has been in some important operations in the Iran-Iraq War.
Eshlow is the most popular nickname of Morteza Javidi.The reason for giving him this nickname is that he would go to them in Iraqi clothes and eat with them. The other nickname of him is War Soldier.
Khomeini's kiss on his forehead
After Operation Valfajr 2, in a meeting with Ruhollah Khomeini, Khomeini made a deal with him that, according to Sayad, he had never had with anyone else, hugged Morteza and kissed his forehead.
Rescue Qasem Soleimani
In Operation Karbala-5, when Qasem Soleimani, commander of the 41st Sarollah Division, was besieged by the enemy, according to the decision of Sardar Asadi, commander of the Al-Mahdi Division, Morteza Javidi, commander of the Fajr Battalion of the Al-Mahdi Division, rushed to his aid and rescued Qasem Soleimani.
Eshlow Movie, directed by Sadeq Parvin Ashtiani and starring Kourosh Soleimani, Saeed Dakh and Sina Karami, is based on the life of Morteza Javidi.
The book "Javidi Hill and the Secret of Eshlow" written by Akbar Sahraee in 520 pages is based on the life of Morteza Javidi. This book was published in 1994 by Malek Azam Publications.
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