
Morshu is a fictional character in The Legend of Zelda series of video games that made a minor appearance in Link: The Faces of Evil on the Philips CD-i. Despite only having two lines of dialogue in his only appearance, the character would receive major recognition throughout the internet dating back to the late 2000's after appearing in a variety of memes.
Morshu is depicted as a portly mustachioed individual wearing an orange shirt under a brown waistcoat, green pants, brown shoes and a green homburg hat with a purple feather on the side.
In Link: The Faces of Evil, Morshu runs a general store early in the game that sells three items: lamp oil, rope and bombs. If Link does not have enough rubies on hand, Morshu will refuse to give him any materials and that he should come back when he is "mmmm...richer."
Legacy and internet memes
Morshu would begin to appear in YouTube Poop video mashups based off of the CD-i Zelda games as early as 2008. His presence would only increase with this format in every aspect from his lines of dialogue in the cutscenes being spliced and mixed to create new (and often NSFW) sentences to his "mmmm" sound effect being used in music parodies online. While the YTP format has had a reduced prescience over the years, the character would still have a strong following throughout memes online. However, the character would get a resurgence of interest in the early 2020's, most notably from the viral YouTube video "MORSHU RTX ON," by Hoolopee. In the video, both the character of Morshu and the cutscenes that feature him are completely remodeled and rendered in Blender in order to achieve a "cursed" image. Due to the movements of the RTX version lining up near identical to the original cutscene, people such as Jared Carvalho from GameRant found "disturbing" but found the video to be a "masterfully made piece on its own."

Due to Nintendo having little input on the games and their negative reception, the company has considered them to be non-canonical and as a result, Morshu hasn't made any appearances since. They have never commented publicly on the character's popularity on the internet, however in the 2020 game Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, there is a reference to one of the lines Morshu said in his own game.
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