Morrigan Press

Morrigan Press Inc. is a pen and paper roleplaying game publisher headquartered in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada. Starting out as the design studio behind Jeremiah: The Roleplaying Game (based on the TV series), Morrigan Press then went on to acquire the license to the Seventh Seal and Talislanta roleplaying games. They released their own Atlantis: The Second Age and Omni System games and in early 2006 acquired the rights to the Terran Trade Authority books. Shortly thereafter, the company stopped releasing new products due to a severe decline in the US dollar exchange rate and overall decline in demand for pen and paper roleplaying games.
Morrigan Press was a Canadian company that got its start with the d20 Jeremiah: The Roleplaying Game (2005) published by Mongoose Publishing. Shortly afterward, Morrigan licensed the Talislanta setting from Stephan Michael Sechi and also bought the rights to two of his Atlantis rules books - The Lexicon and The Bestiary. Morrigan published Talislanta d20 (2005), and they also supported the fourth edition (2001) of the Talislanta game's original rules system through a series of supplements from 2005-2006. Morrigan Press also created a new gaming system using the Talislanta fourth edition rules as a basis: The Omni System (2005) was rules light, and became the foundation for a new edition of Atlantis called Atlantis: The Second Age (2005). Morrigan followed with a few other Omni games: eco (2005) was a game of sentient animals; High Medieval (2005) was a historical fantasy role-playing game; and Trade Authority Roleplaying Game (2006) was a science-fiction RPG based on a series of illustrated science-fiction books originally published from 1978-1980. Morrigan announced they would be releasing a new three-book edition of the Talislanta rules for 2007. However, one of the company's main shareholders pulled out of the company that year, and Morrigan failed to renew their incorporation, causing delays. Morrigan did eventually publish all three fifth edition Talislanta books, ending with A Gamemaster's Guide to Talislanta (2007), but that was their final publication. Morrigan continued to sell their last few games through DriveThruRPG.
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