Moropant Pingley

Moreshwar Nilkanth Pingley, also known as 'Moropant', was a senior leader of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). During his 65 year affiliation with the RSS as a pracharak he held numerous posts, the most notable of them being the Akhil Bharatiya Bouddhik Pramukh. He was one of the six unofficial Sarsanghchalaks during the 1975 state of emergency and a candidate for sarsangchalak after Balasaheb Deoras.
Vishva Hindu Parishad
Pingle was a founder member of the Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP).
He remained a key link between the RSS and VHP as a 'trustee' (margadarshak) of the VHP, and strongly influenced its conduct from 1980 onwards.
He was the main architect of the Ramjanmabhoomi movement, which was instrumental in bringing the BJP to power in New Delhi in 1998.
First Ekatmata Yatra
The conversion of hundreds of Hindus at Meenakshipuram in 1981 led to organisation of the first "Ekatmata Yatra" by the VHP in 1983. Due to his excellent organisational skills, Moropant was given the responsibility of planning, co-ordinating and executing the Yatra. During its planning, Moropant extensively traveled around India. His effective selection of routes to be taken by the Ekatmata Raths (chariots), magnified the impact of the Yatra.
"Ram-Janki" Rath Yatra
The Yatra in 1983 was followed by the "Ram-Janki" Rath Yatra in 1984. It was a precursor to the Ram Janmabhoomi movement. The aim of this Yatra was to reunite the Hindus, and to kindle the feeling of pride amongst them. Seven chariots traveled through Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, where Rama was shown behind bars depicting his state inside the Ram temple in Ayodhya. Moropant was appointed as the convener and contoller of this Yatra. In 1986, the Faizabad court ordered the unlocking of the temple.
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