
This article refers to a coloquial word used to describe people, Morocho, or morocha is a word of Argentinean origen, and it means person of dark skin, or dark-haired in Latin-American Spanish. Morocho is an adjective that specifically describes people who have both dark skin and dark hair. Particularly in Argentina, the adjective makes a contrast with people who have a whiter skin tone. Some website put it as a word of quechua origen, muruch'u, (kind of hard corn). There are many words in differents parts or the Spanish speaking world used to describe people with a darker skin tone, and it may not describe their race, origen or social status, this words include Moreno, negrito, mulato or Morisco in Mexico, or Moyito in Cuba.
This word may also refer to a dessert in some parts of South America. In some Latin American countries "morocho(a)" also means "twin".
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