
Mooshrooms are fictional mobs in the sandbox video game Minecraft that are mushroom-covered variants of cows exclusive to the rare mushroom fields biome.
Mooshrooms resemble ordinary cows in size and shape. A mooshroom can be either red with white spots (with red mushrooms on its back and head), or brown with beige spots (with brown mushrooms on its back and head). Mooshrooms' eyes are completely black, unlike regular cows.
Mooshrooms will only spawn on mushroom island biomes, making them one of the rarest mobs in Minecraft. A brown mooshroom spawns whenever a red mooshroom is struck by lightning. They also have a 1-in-1024 chance to spawn when breeding two red mooshrooms.
When a player shears a mooshroom, it will drop five red mushrooms and the mooshroom will transform into a regular cow. There is also a rare chance that it will split into two cows when sheared. A bowl can be used on a mooshroom to gather mushroom stew. If a player feeds a brown mooshroom a flower, and then uses a bowl, they can gather suspicious stew, which gives status effects depending on the flower given to the mooshroom. Mooshrooms may, therefore, be used as an infinite/renewable food source.
When a mooshroom is killed, it will drop raw beef and leather like a regular cow, with the addition of red mushrooms or brown mushrooms if it was a brown mooshroom.
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