Mohammed Usama Khan

Mohammed Usama Khan born (18 August 1997), is an Indian Entrepreneur, model and a professional bodybuilder.
Usama began his career with modelling andadvertisements in 2016 and firstly worked for Mod Act india and Moda angeli. Later he started bodybuilding and was doing photoshoots for Addlife and was a brand ambassador.
Usama Khans Father Mohammed Farhat Khan is a Serial Entrepreneur he is into the Business of Bidi making (Indian cigarette) since 1970, Usama owns a gaming parlour (Blaze gaming), A restaurant and an apartment. Usama is a business student and was into business from a very early age, He started his own gaming parlor when he was just 19.
He played tennis for inter state competition in 2017.
Usama khan began playing sports at the young age of 8 and it was essentially the beginning of what has become an epic journey.
He was always a very athletic kid growing up and soon realized that being physically strong and in great shape helped give an even greater advantage over the competition. This desire and overwhelming passion inspired him to begin lifting weights at the age of 15, He participated for the State Bodybuilding championship under 130Lb class in 2017
Usama Khan who has always been attracted to bodybuilding and gyming started doing exercise and workout in the gym at a very young age. The love for a fit body has always been there in his mind which eventually, helped to shape his life in the upcoming time.
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