Mohammad Abdur Rab

Abdur Rab (born in 1945 in Faridpur) is a Professor, Researcher, Academic Administrator and Management Consultant. At present, he is the Vice Chancellor of International University of Business Agriculture and Technology (IUBAT, Dhaka, Bangladesh.)
Prof. Rab is a Doctor of Organizational Science (Dr O. Sc.) from University of Belgrade (1982) and holds MBA degree (1971) from Indiana University (USA), and M. Com. (1968) and B. Com.Hons (1967) degrees from University of Dhaka. He did his Matriculation and HSC in 1962 and 1964. All through his educational career, he secured First Division/First Class.  He also holds the professional qualification of Certified Management Consultant (CMC) from Australia.
Dr. Rab was trained in academic administration and academic system development in Michigan State University, USA as a World Bank Fellow and in the University of New Brunswick, Canada under CIDA Fellowship where he served as a shadow Dean. He has extensively visited universities and business schools in USA, Canada, China, Singapore, the Phillipines, Thailand and SAARC countries to study their curricula, academic system and administration.
Prof. Rab has administrative experience of over 40 years. He  was the Vice Chancellor of  Eastern University from October, 2013 to  October 2017, Acting Vice Chancellor for  Nov.- Dec., 2009 & June-July, 2010 and  Pro Vice Chancellor of  the same University from March 2006 to February 2011. He was the  Director of the Institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka from 1995 to 1998. He served as Chairperson of the Department of Management and Business (now Brac Business School) of  BRAC University  from 2001 to 2006. He also served as MBA Program Director of IBA.
Dr. Rab was the architect of collaboration of  Eastern University with several Chinese universities where students are studying with scholarship or visiting  for Study Tour. He is a Visiting Professor of Yunnan Normal University in Kunming, China.  He has also worked out a research collaboration of IUBAT  with Yunan University in Kunming, China under which three professors of IUBAT are conducting a joint research program on perennial rice cultivation. Prof. Rab is one of  the founding members of the South and South-Asian Universities Network (SSAUN) with head quarter in Kunming, China.
Teaching and Training
Prof. Rab has over fifty years of teaching experience at undergraduate, graduate and professional levels in the following institutions - North South University: Professor-  2011-2013,  Institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka: Professor, 1991 to 2000;  Associate Professor, 1978 to 1991 and  Assistant Professor, 1972 to 1978; BRAC University: 2001 -2006, Eastern University: 2006 to 2011 and Visiting Professor, Yuan Normal University in Kunming, China(2016 to date). He has been teaching courses on Strategic Management, Principles of Management,  Organizational Behavior and Entrepreneurship  in the BBA and  MBA Programs and on strategy, policy and  management topics in the Management Development Programs.  He is Supervisor and Examiner of Ph. D  Thesis in India, Srilanka  and Bangladesh.
Prof. Rab served as a core faculty in Regional Workshops on Case Writing in Dhaka and Delhi, and Workshops on Entrepreneurship Development in Bombay and Dhaka. He was a co-designer of the graduate level Entrepreneurship Development course sponsored by AMDISA, CIDA and University of Windsor, Canada. He introduced and taught the first Entrepreneurship Development course in Bangladesh at IBA, Dhaka University.
He designed/organized/ conducted and taught in many training programs on management  in IBA and served as a faculty in training programs organized by Government organizations, banks and NGOs. He  also organized many Faculty Development Programs and Case Workshops, and served as a trainer.
Prof. Rab is a specialist in Educational Quality Assurance and Accreditation.  He has been involved in designing and monitoring the South Asian Quality System(SAQS) - the accreditation system of the Association of Management Schools in South Asia(AMDISA) for business schools. He served as member of  Peer Review Committees and as Mentor India, Nepal and Bangladesh. He is also a Member of the  SAQS Council and Accreditation Award Committee of the  AMDISA with its head quarter in Hyderabad, India.    
Research, Conference, Publications
Dr. Rab has a long and varied experience in research, conference and publications . He has conducted a number of research works for national and international institutions as follows: University Grants Commission, Bangladesh; Centre for Population Management and Research (CPMR), IBA; International Labour Organization (ILO); Asian Productivity Organization-Tokyo; Commonwealth Secretariat, London and International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada. Dr Rab takes keen interest in management education, training and research. His publications include two books, a number of articles, many papers presented in national and international seminars and several volumes of training materials. Dr. Rab was key note speaker in several international conferences  and chaired many sessions in national and international seminars and conferences.
Dr. Rab  consulted on, to name a few,  Feasibility of Organization of  Distribution wing of PDB as a Company, Organization Structuring of BTMC, Restructuring of Bangladesh Silk  Board, Reorganization of the Projects of BFIDC, Rehabilitation Training Design for Retrenched Employees of Jute Mills(World Project), Productivity Improvement of SMEs (ILO Project) and  Procedure and System Design for Janata Bank. He consulted, among others,  for World Bank, ILO, Asian Productivity Organization and UNICEF.
He is a past President of the Association of Management Development Institutions in South Asia(AMDISA)- a network of the business schools of SAARC countries. He was also a member of  the Executive Board of the Association of Indian Management Schools(AIMS). He is a Member of the Executive Board of AMDISA, Accreditation Award Committee and SAQS Council.
Prof. Rab was the Chairman of the Executive Board of the Institute of Management Consultants, Bangladesh which is a member of the International Institute of Management Consultants. He is also a Fellow of the same institute. He is a Member of the Editorial Board and also a Reviewer of several journals including  South Asian Journal  of Management Cases published by Lahore University of Management Science.
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