Model of Industrial Organization

This model for industrial organization is especially applicable in Bangladesh which is proposed by Md. Azim Ferdous, Department of Management Studies, University of Dhaka in 2010. This model figures out the factors and environment related to the industrial organizations and the practice of large-scale industrial organizations in Bangladesh now-a-days.
The box A contains the factors of infrastructure that gears up the establishment of an industrial organization. It includes power, transportation, and communication. Box B contains the suppliers and sources of energy, materials, information, and human resources that will be used as the input to the transformation process. Using these inputs the transformation process will produce desired goods or the give the desired output. This transformation process has shown in box E which is well-connected by internal interface feedback mechanisms. And the output or products produced by this transformation process will be supplied to the market or to the buyers which is shown in box C.
The elements of box H will guide and provide proper environment for team building by which research & development team, quality circles (QCs), cross-functional teams, and high-performance teams will be formed which is shown in box G. These teams of box G will develop new products and will improve the total transformation process in a continuous basis which is shown in box D. Besides, the elements of box H will also provide the environment and necessary expertise for efficient management where practice of will be followed and this is shown in box I which will ensure inventory management and quality control for the transformation process through of box F.
Every industrial organization will have to address the issues related to human resources (HR planning, recruitment, selection, socialization, training & development, controlling HRs, and maintaining HRs) with great care. Because, the total process will be operated by human resources and it is the most important element for the production. A pool of skilled and loyal human resources will ensure the success of the industrial organization.
Box D, E, F, G, H, and I contains the internal components of any industrial organization. On the other hand, box A, B, and C contains the external elements all of which are well-connected by an external interface 360-degree feedback mechanism. And the total thing is surrounded and influenced by external environment which includes demographic environment, legal environment, political environment, economic environment, social environment, and technological environment.
This model is a great tool to understand the factors that affect the quality or performance of any industrial organization. This also addresses both the internal and external issues and related feedback mechanisms. Better understanding of the model will help management, business students, and others to better understand the process related to the industrial organizations.
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