Miguel A. Sanchez-Rey

Miguel A. Sanchez-Rey''' (1984- ) is an American theoretical physicist, astrophysicist, string theorist, mathematician, philosopher, neuropsychologist, and biolinguist. He was born in Bojota, Colombia and immigrated to the United States a year later. He grew up in North Plainfield New Jersey and Brentwood New York before being educated at the State University of New York at Stony Brook where he received a B.A. in Philosophy in 2008.

For the last five years Rey's research has shifted dramatically. His initial work was opposed to the reductionist and physicalist movement and often critical of the New Atheist as being counter-productive. He spent a period of two years pursuing the minimalist program where he made a significant breakthrough in Biolinguistics by introducing mathematical properties within number theory and algebraic topology. He attempted to resolve D.A.R.P.A.'s [Defense Departments Advance Research Projects Agency] number one mathematical grand challenge by finding a plausible functional model of the human brain. His work on artificial intelligence sought to show the limitations of reductionism while laying open the possibility that reverse engineering of the brain can be achieved through a naturalistic approach.

In 2011 his stance on reductionism and the New Atheist movement shifted yet he held strongly to logical positivism while advocating the superficiality of the European Continental tradition and pluralistic phenomenology. Siding with Daniel Dennett's belief in the illusion of consciousness he argued that the fundamental goal of biological life was replication through gene selection. Yet as he became more sympathetic toward reductionism his view centers on the perspectivist approach advocated by Stephen W. Hawking's. He did not believe in the death of philosophy rather that philosophy had forgotten how scientific advances proceed. Rejecting Thomas Kuhn's conception of paradigm shifts scientific revolutions build on earlier advances thus given simpler answers to bigger questions about the fundamental nature and structure of physical cosmology and the early universe.

In December of 2011 his work was instrumental in validating string theory by determining the energy range of the Higg's Boson--the last missing piece of the Standard Model. Doing so Rey gave insights about the holographic properties of the multi-verse by demonstrating that string theory is a universal law of nature--the number of natural laws within each quantum universe. Doing so would unlock the very secrets of the sciences given way to significant advances in physics equal only to the Newtonian Revolution in the late 16th century. By including Khovanov Homology and knot theory the way strings interact with one another determines the very structure of matter and forces leading to the possibility of the transmutation of chemical elements and a new field of nuclear physics.

Currently he is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of London (2012) and was awarded the Order of Merit (2012) for his profound contributions and insights to philosophy and the physical sciences. He enjoys playing chess and the violin, and often writes poetry and fiction in his leisure time. He presently resides in Suffolk County, New York.
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