Microsoft Small Business Contest

The tech corporation Microsoft, headquartered in Redmond, WA, first introduced a skill-based contest for small businesses in 2014. Offering a grand prize of $20,000 and a combination of hardware and software needed for small business, the contest is promoted as a way to help small businesses with capital, technological support, and publicity. Small businesses first submit videos that are then judged by a Microsoft selected panel. The top ten entries are then posted to a Microsoft in Business Facebook page for public voting. At the end of the week long voting phase, the business with the most votes is deemed the grand prize winner. There are also prizes awarded to the next highest vote totals.
The grand prize winner of the first Microsoft Small Business Contest (2015) was the Maryland based clothing company and barbershop, Citizen Frederick. The 2016 grand prize winning small business was Seattle educational toy company, Fort Boards.
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