
MicroERD is a database modeling tool which was developed by Inbrein.
MicroERD stands for Micro Entity Relationship Diagram.
Although it supports traditional DBMS like MS SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, supporting Microsoft PDW and Windows Azure is its unique feature.
The data model created in MicoERD will be saved as .mdr format.
Its standard edition costs $500 and it can be bought through PayPal.
MicroERD supports:
*Business Process Modeling
*Data modeling
*Data Warehouse Modeling
*Report generation
*Model Validator
* Dynamic Help
*Document Automation
* IDEF2X/IE Notation
Inbrein,inc. has launched MicroERD in October, 2013.
MicroERD is the first database modeling tool which supports Microsoft PDW and Windows Azure.
It has a special edition for them.
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