Michelle Fecteau

Michelle Joan Fecteau (born December 10, 1960) is a native of Pawtucket, Rhode Island and a longtime Detroiter. Michelle is a Michigan State Board of Education member, union organizer, union representative, foster parent, adoptive parent, political activist, advocate for the disabled, professional storyteller, and politician. Ms. Fecteau was elected to the State of Michigan's Board of Education in 2012 and served until January, 2021. Ms. Fecteau is a long time member of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) Michelle Fecteau and Senator Bernie Sanders are the only two members of the DSA to hold statewide elective office.
Fecteau graduated from Michigan State University in 1983 with a bachelor's degree majoring in Political Science and Women's Studies. She earned her Master's degree from Michigan State in Labor and Industrial Relations.
Fecteau's professional employment includes working as a labor union organizer and representative for the Service Employees International union Local 79 in Detroit ( Awarded the "Spirit of Detroit Award' by Detroit City council), and United Food and Commercial Workers Local 951 (Received the President's Award). Additionally, she was a health and safety union representative at RWDSU and The International Ladies Garment Workers Union in NYC.
Fecteau taught at Wayne State University's Labor School from 1996 to 2007.
Fecteau is currently (2007 - present) the Executive Director of the American Association of University Professors / American federation of Teachers (AAUP/AFT) at Wayne State University in Detroit, MI.
State Board of Education
Fecteau was elected to an eight year term on the Michigan State Board of Education in a statewide race in November of 2012. She ran as a Democrat and was the highest vote totals of any Board candidate that year. Fecteau ran on a platform to defend Public Schools, their teachers, families, and especially their most vulnerable students. She has devoted much of her energy to issues regarding special education and the needs of students and families in areas of concentrated poverty as well as greater accountability for charter schools.
Fecteau has also championed school discipline reform in Michigan and throughout the nation.
She was also a primary proponent of the new school "Restraint and Seclusion" guidelines and training requirements.
Fecteau currently serves as Board Secretary.
Ms. Fecteau is a long time member of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) Michelle Fecteau and Senator Bernie Sanders are the only two members of the DSA to hold statewide elective office.
Charter Schools Controversy
Fecteau has been in the center of numerous controversies regarding charter schools, their funding, and oversight.
The Michigan Association of Public Schools Academies has been especially critical of her positions on charter schools.
Special Education Listening Tour
Fecteau and Lt. Governor Brian Calley held a year long listening tour of Michigan to generate proposals to improve the services for special education students in Michigan.
Award Winning Storyteller
Fecteau has competed in and won various Moth Story Slams.She is the 2015 Detroit Moth Grand Slam Champion.
Fecteau's has been featured on National Public Radio's The Moth Radio Hour.https://themoth.org/radio-hour
Fecteau has performed in other story telling venues as well.
1998 Foster Parent of the Year
Spirit of Detroit Award
UFCW President's Award
Volunteer positions
Autism Alliance of Michigan
Michelle is a current Board member of the Autism Alliance of Michigan. The Autism Alliance is a statewide autism advocacy and education group that assists parents and people with autism in obtaining necessary services.
Michelle is on the advisory board of the Wayne State University CHAMPS Program.
CHAMPS' mission is to improve accessibility and success of foster care youth within the university.
Wayne County Society of Autistic Citizens
Board member of the Wayne County Society of Autistic Citizens (Former)
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