Menorah Number Theory

Menorah Number Theory
The Menorah Number Theory (MNT), can be thought of as a mathematical sun-dial. It is an interspersion of numbers that can be used to help show symmetry among numbers. This unique set of number pairings displays seven lines of numbers that are sequenced in increments of 11 vertically and appear transposed when viewed horizontally. These numbers all fit within 0 to 100. Thinking of them in terms of percentages, weights, or time periods, adding the first two digits of the pairings equals the addition of the second two in the same pairing. Similar to mnemonics, these pairings are like the ages at which a father and son can share the same birthday and only require two numbered candles. e.g. Every 11 years* the child’s age on the y-axis and the father’s age on the x-axis intersect with the same two digits in reverse following the first pairing occurrence, if the child is born when the dad was at the age of 18. If the father-son pair lit a Jewish Menorah candle each time they shared this special pairing birthday, the most they could light it is seven times if the father was 18 at the time of the son’s birth. The number of pairings reduces by 1 every 9 years that the father is older than 18 at the time of the child's birth. This is purely in mathematical terms, not religious ceremony such as a Bar Mitsvah. More than simple interesting trivia, it is a great model to show an array of symmetric numbers. Likewise, plotting expected sun spot revolution times on the left can be matched precisely against actual ones on the right. Note the Menorah pattern within the array follows the eleven year cycle.
Menorah number theory array by Kitchener Lopez Harding (2010)
72..... 63..... 54..... 45..... 36..... 27..... 18..... 00..... 18..... 27..... 36..... 45..... 54..... 63..... 72....
....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... 97..... 79..... 97.....
....... ....... ....... ....... ....... 96..... 87..... 69..... 87..... 96.....
....... ....... ....... ....... ....... 95..... 86..... 68..... 86..... 95.....
....... ....... ....... ....... 95..... 86..... 77..... 59..... 77..... 86..... 95.....
....... ....... ....... ....... 94..... 85..... 76..... 58..... 76..... 85..... 94.....
....... ....... ....... ....... 93..... 84..... 75..... 57..... 75..... 84..... 93.....
....... ....... ....... 94..... 85..... 76..... 67..... 49..... 67..... 76..... 85..... 94.....
....... ....... ....... 93..... 84..... 75..... 66..... 48..... 66..... 75..... 84..... 93.....
....... ....... ....... 92..... 83..... 74..... 65..... 47..... 65..... 74..... 83..... 92.....
....... ....... ....... 91..... 82..... 73..... 64..... 46..... 64..... 73..... 82..... 91.....
....... ....... 93..... 84..... 75..... 66..... 57..... 39..... 57..... 66..... 75..... 84..... 93.....
....... ....... 92..... 83..... 74..... 65..... 56..... 38..... 56..... 65..... 74..... 83..... 92.....
....... ....... 91..... 82..... 73..... 64..... 55..... 37..... 55..... 64..... 73..... 82..... 91.....
....... ....... 90..... 81..... 72..... 63..... 54..... 36..... 54..... 63..... 72..... 81..... 90.....
....... ....... 89..... 80..... 71..... 62..... 53..... 35..... 53..... 62..... 71..... 80..... 89.....
....... 92..... 83..... 74..... 65..... 56..... 47..... 29..... 47..... 56..... 65..... 74..... 83..... 92.....
....... 91..... 82..... 73..... 64..... 55..... 46..... 28..... 46..... 55..... 64..... 73..... 82..... 91.....
....... 90..... 81..... 72..... 63..... 54..... 45..... 27..... 45..... 54..... 63..... 72..... 81..... 90.....
....... 89..... 80..... 71..... 62..... 53..... 44..... 26..... 44..... 53..... 62..... 71..... 80..... 89.....
....... 88..... 79..... 70..... 61..... 52..... 43..... 25..... 43..... 52..... 61..... 70..... 79..... 88.....
....... 87..... 78..... 69..... 60..... 51..... 42..... 24..... 42..... 51..... 60..... 69..... 78..... 87.....
91..... 82..... 73..... 64..... 55..... 46..... 37..... 19..... 37..... 46..... 55..... 64..... 73..... 82..... 91.....
90..... 81..... 72..... 63..... 54..... 45..... 36..... 18..... 36..... 45..... 54..... 63..... 72..... 81..... 90.....
89..... 80..... 71..... 62..... 53..... 44..... 35..... 17..... 35..... 44..... 53..... 62..... 71..... 80..... 89.....
88..... 79..... 70..... 61..... 52..... 43..... 34..... 16..... 34..... 43..... 52..... 61..... 70..... 79..... 88.....
87..... 78..... 69..... 60..... 51..... 42..... 33..... 15..... 33..... 42..... 51..... 60..... 69..... 78..... 87.....
86..... 77..... 68..... 59..... 50..... 41..... 32..... 14..... 32..... 41..... 50..... 59..... 68..... 77..... 86.....
85..... 76..... 67..... 58..... 49..... 40..... 31..... 13..... 31..... 40..... 49..... 58..... 67..... 76..... 85.....
01..... 02..... 03..... 04..... 05..... 06..... 07..... 12..... 07..... 06..... 05..... 04..... 03..... 02..... 01.....
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