Men in Black III is an upcoming science fiction action comedy film film due to be released in 2011, it will be the third iteration of the Men In Black Film Franchise. The film is the second sequel to the 1997 film Men in Black which was followed by Men in Black II all of which are based on the Malibu comic book series The Men in Black by Lowell Cunningham. Currently cast and crew members have not been announced however it is highly expected that both Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith will reprise their roles from previous films as Agent K/Kevin Brown and Agent J/James Edwards respectively, as both actors have expressed their interests in reprising their roles. Production In 2005, Variety magazine mentioned that Sony Pictures was in talks with director Michael Bay to direct Men In Black III. Will Smith has expressed interest in returning for a third film. In 2008, rumours resurfaced regarding Men In Black III after an interview with Walter F. Parkes. On September 28, 2008 Parkes told Personality Parade magazine "the challenge is getting the script right and finding a time when our busy stars are available." .... "Everyone, including Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones, wants to do another."