Melaleuca Elementary School

Established in 1967, Melaleuca Elementary is a Kindergarten through 5th grade Elementary School located in West Palm Beach, Florida.

The school maintains a diverse student body with a 47% Hispanic population, 29% white and 23% black.

The school represents a lower income than others in the region, with 66% of the students being categorized as coming from families who are economically disadvantaged, while the local school district represents only 39% as being economically disadvantaged as a whole. The school has also scored low historically in both reading proficiency and math proficiency compared to the district and the state of Florida. Scores, however, have seen steady improvement from 2002 to 2006.

Melaleuca Elementary does have a better students per teacher ratio (15.1) than both the local school district (17.4) and the state of Florida (17.0).

Dress Code
The school has a mandatory "Dress Code" requirement that includes red, white, or blue polo type shirts, or official Melaleuca school spirit shirts. and navy blue, black or khaki colored pants, shorts, or skirts. No short shorts or spandex are allowed.

School Song
The school sports a school song written by Karenna Holt:

Melaleuca Elementary is the best. We soar just like eagles over all the rest Our Code of Conduct helps us to remember How to behave January through December.
I pledge responsibility and citizenship, too. They bring out the best in me and you Trustworthiness and being fair Help to show others that we really care. We all know what's right. We all know what's good. We will do the things we know we should.
Melaleuca Elementary is the best. We soar just like eagles over all the rest Our Code of Conduct helps us to remember How to behave January through December.
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