A MCDAM (Male Chauvinist Directed At Men) (pronounced as MacDamn) refers to a guy who is attached who fear his girlfriend being snatched away by other guys who are not attached for frivilous reasons. Most of the time, these guys do not have a real case of their girlfriends being snatched away by others. They would go all out to prevent their girlfriends from interacting with these unattached guys, and are generally detested by unattached guys.

In Singapore, there has been a campaign launched by some National University of Singapore students to eradicate these people by educating them as they are a threat to the guys in the university population who are not attached. During an interview, a student who declined to be named said that this move was necessary to prevent any problems from sprouting up in the state where meritocracy is key. These people are trying to prevent other guys from having good platonic friendships with their girlfriends.

This word derives from MCP (Male Chauvinist Pig). It was invented by a National University of Singapore student.
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