Matt Duss

Matthew Duss (born 1972) is an American political activist, blogger, and foreign policy advisor to Senator Bernie Sanders. Duss served as an advisor to the Bernie Sanders 2020 presidential campaign.
Background and education
Duss was born in Nyack, New York.
Duss grew up in the evangelical church where there was "a very strong emphasis in my home on modeling Christ to the world through kindness and care for others." Duss earned a Bachelor of Arts in political science and Master of Arts in Middle East studies from the University of Washington.
After graduating from college, Duss started writing for The American Prospect in 2007. Then he moved to the Center for American Progress in 2008, where he blogged on ThinkProgress until 2014. Duss left CAP to become president of the Foundation for Middle East Peace.
Persecution of Uyghurs in Xinjiang
"What is happening in Xinjiang is genocide."<ref name=Jacobin/>
War on Terror
"he global war on terror has been a disaster: in economic terms, in human terms, in strategic terms, and that we need to move away from it."
<ref name=Jacobin/>
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