Mask and identity

Masks are one of a variety of means for signalling identity, or changes in identity.
Masks are one of a variety of semiotic systems that are related through their conventional use in disguising, transforming, or displaying identity, and masks therefor "work" by coordinating the iconicity and indexiality of signs of identity.
The mask that a superhero wears is used as a screening device, and along with the rest of the costume uses symbols to let the observer know who the character is, and what special abilities he or she can possesses. was a very different one. Tim Burton created a very dark, evil, and violent Gotham City, and with that the creation of a more violent and menacing Batman, and Batman Mask. This Batman mask was all black, was constructed of a hard material, had very pronounced bat horns and mean looking eye slots. This mask has a more serious and menacing look which shifts along with the identity of who Batman was. As both the setting and the attitude of Batman has gotten much darker, violent, and evil, so had the mask of Batman
Solidarity of identity in mask wearing
There are many instances where a group of people who are wearing masks are identified as a single group that lacks any one individual's identity.
One example of solidarity through the wearing of masks is the . The group who identify as are computer hackers who together perform attacks on computer systems worldwide. The people who identify themselves as being a part of this group wear two masks, a metaphorical one in private, and a physical mask in public. When members who identify with this group are in the public's eye, the members all wear a Guy Fawkes mask which holds many meanings and symbolizes the identity of the actions that the group performs. is a symbol of civil unrest, and disobedience against the government. The individuals wearing the mask can feel safe from individual prosecution as they are identified as a part of a much larger single identity. In private the members of this group use a metaphorical mask. With the use of computers and certain computer methods, the members keep their personal identities invisible.
Another example of this phenomenon is the ritual performed during Halloween. The concept of mask wearing on Halloween is an ancient tradition combining aspects of rituals performed by the Celts, Romans, and the English. Historically Halloween was a time when the dead came back to roam the Earth in spirit form. It was also a time of year when autumn was transitioning to winter. People during the Halloween ritual period, who would be people afraid of the season of cold and darkness that was about to envelop them with hardship and a shortage of food, and were also afraid of the spirits of the dead who were going to be walking the Earth, would not leave their houses unless they wore a mask. The masks they would all wear would change the identity of the individual, and attempt to fool the walking dead that the person was indeed a spirit as well. Lucha libre is known for its high flying and acrobatic wrestling maneuvers and also known for the wrestlers elaborate masks. Almost all Mexican wrestlers, or Luchadors begin their professional career wearing a mask, and within that mask contains symbols of who that wrestler is, and what attributes that wrestler possesses. Much like the superhero and their secret identity the wrestler must keep his or her private identity unknown. A wrestler who loses his or her mask during a bout loses a lot of respect and in many cases retires from their wrestling career.
When a Luchador is in the ring they embody an identity of the mask that they adorn. The general population will love or hate that individual based upon how they present themselves, and the accomplishments that they earn. That identity that the population criticizes is based on the identity of the mask the luchador wears. There is a true split of identity, and one individual truly has two distinct and different identities.<ref name="lucha abst" /> There is the individual with the mask, and an individual without the mask. The individual without the mask is unknown, and in public space is not regarded with any importance. The same individual wearing the mask, which contains symbols of greatness, and has been attributed certain regard and stature in the populous can be revered as a god. The mask contains the power, the individual wearing it wields it. The individual wearing the mask has earned the stature of the mask, but without the mask, is usually nothing.<ref name="lucha 2" /> The power of an unknown person who seems to control situations, and is seemingly unstoppable is godlike. Losing the mask is like losing the power of the gods in lucha libre.
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