Mashiyu Entertainment

Mashiyu Entertainment is a video game developer and video game publisher of entertainment software.
The company was founded in 2009 as Mashiyu Entertainment America, Inc in Orlando, Floridaand is based out of Redmond, WA.
Mashiyu Entertainment was originally known as Mashiyu Entertainment America, Inc. It was incorporated in the state of Florida in 2009, but developed in 2008. The operation was closed in 2010 after it came under Mashiyu Corporation and ceased production of its game concept, Anaria Online.
In 2011, Mashiyu Entertainment was revived as an independent division of Mashiyu Corporation.
Mashiyu Entertainment restarted production of Anaria Online in 2011, on the new HeroCloud Engine. This is the company's debut title, with no release date as of yet.
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