Marlin OS

Marlin OS is an operating system built for the X86 and X64 system architectures in beta developed by Quantum X and it is constantly being developed. The operating system is a non open source one but is free to use as of now. The Marlin OS uses the FAT32 file system and the IL2CPU (AOT Compilation process). The operating system currently operates using a command line interface, which is pretty basic. The operating system was developed as a replacement of the popular MS-DOS, as the commands were a bit complex in MS-DOS whereas the commands in Marlin OS are user friendly as they've been programmed with multiple syntaxes. Personalization options include changing of background color and changing the foreground text color. The operating system is optimized to work with even 128 MB of RAM. It is expected to have a chat bot in a future release!
The operating system can be downloaded here!
Limitations : As the operating system uses the FAT32 file system the maximum size limit for a partition is 32 gigabytes and the maximum size of a file that can be transferred is 4 gigabytes. The naming scheme of directories and files are also quite a bit messy as the first 8 characters are the only reserved characters for the name after that it's reserved for the file extension, crossing the character limit might mess with the file extension and corrupt the file. The other limitation is that it operates using the command line interface but a GUI for the OS is being worked on.
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