
Malaaz () () is an Egyptian Arabic Alternative Rock band from Cairo , Egypt, formed in 2014 by Composer/Songwriter/Guitarist Mohamed Abdelrazik, and Lead Guitarist Amr Beshr.
Malaaz is an Egyptian Alternative Rock band formed in 2014 by Mohamed Abdelrazik (Guitarist/Composer/Lyricist) and his friend Amr Beshr (Lead Guitarist).
They shared the same passion for rock and Metal music from a very young age, which led them to meet and know each others in 2012 when Mohamed introduced Amr to another band with a similar background.
Later on, Maged Amer (Vocalist) started rehearsing with them on a regular basis with the former bassist and the former drummer during 2014.
At the end of 2014, Moataz El Nashar (Bassist) joined the band, And at the beginning of 2015 AJ El-Gohary (Drummer) joined to complete the final line up of Malaaz.
Malaaz's main focus is to introduce an alternate direction of Rock music and Arabic lyrics in a new pioneered way which can be comfortably heard by anyone regardless of their musical background or taste.
Malaaz has already released many singles starting from 2014, and they are preparing to release their debut album in 2017.
Malaaz is so unique in their Musical theme, as they introduce a heavier type of music to the Arabic lyrics with loud distorted electric guitars , power chords and heavy drum beats, their lyrical themes are mostly about the struggles that occur inside the human mind and heart.
Stockholm () () stands as one of the most successful songs in their career till now, the song demonstrates the lyrical and musical theme of the band in a very clear way, as you listen to the song you can feel difference between it's lyrics and the most of the Arabic songs, it's subject is unique, as it explains the feelings of someone who's enjoying an abusive relationship, the song is directly related to Stockholm syndrome
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