Majid Yaser

Majid Yasser () (born July 13, 1976 in Tehran, Iran) is an Iranian film and television actor and presenter.
He and Ali Ansarian performed zabiwaka for the 2018 World Cup, which was largely sidelined. The main theme of the program is ali Ansarian, who, in a part of the program called "The Elders' Speech" by singing poems by the singers of "Los Angeles", has always created a lot of margins, which is said to have received 140 hints from IRIB in ten days of performance. One of these singers was Shahram Shabpareh, whose joke with one of his songs sparked protests and reactions from him.
One of the most adventurous episodes of the show was the naming of the show's foreign guest from Googoosh as his favorite singer. The reaction of the presenters ali Ansarian and Majid Yasser to this incident caused the clips of this episode to be one of the most visited clips on the virtual pages.
The program was banned by IRIB from July 10 to July 14, 2018. Zabiwaka, who was special to the 2018 World Cup program, was not banned or aired on the final day of the 2018 World Cup, which was scheduled to air.
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