
Machaan is a 2021 Indian Hindi-language drama film written by Prem Sagar Singh and directed by Nitesh Tiwari and produced by Prince Madhup. The film stars Sonu Bhardwaj, Viccky Biadyanath and Richa Kalra. The film follows the trial of Bhola who is diagnosed with AIDS, to drive Bhola out of the village, the inhabitants used fire, lathis, lanterns, and other means. Bhola pleaded with residents never let him into the village, but they began throwing stones at him, and Bhola stopped breathing.
Machaan is a true representation of Indian village culture, in which people help one another and live peacefully together. The film also addresses several social issues and advocates various government initiatives such as the Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, Parivar Niyojan Abhiyan, and the value of education and awareness in society. The film's climax, however, is extremely emotional, and the audience may find it difficult to hold back their tears.
* Pawan Waval as Bhola
* Richa Kalra as Kajri
* Prateek Goyal as Birju
* Mahmood Hashmi as Madhav
* Prem Sagar Singh as Keshav
* Mishti Singh as Sonjharo
* Gyan Prakash Nagar as Lalan
* Lajjawati Mishra as Dai Maa
* Anita Sahgal as Jhumri
* Viccky Biadyanath as Mukhiya Ji
* Abhishek Singh as Ramayan
* Sonu Bhardwaj as Bhooar
* Mahesh Singh as Chhotan
* Ahaan Jha as Baliram
* Janvi Mishra as Bhola's child
* Shubham Srivastav as
* Vishal Tiwari as Father (voice)
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