Lustre and SCADE for safety critical systems

In the past, embedded systems programming involved the use of assembly language and C . Then embedded systems were simple, but in the present scenario embedded systems are much more complex, so we cannot use simply assembly and C language. Hence we require other methodology to design such systems. Here we will show why synchronous languages like Lustre and SCADE are suitable for designing safety critical, by implementing Lustre and SCADE on different safety critical systems.</http:///en. .org/wiki/Life-critical_system>
Their are numerous safety critical systems around us like Traffic signaling system, aircraft control, nuclear power plant etc. For designing such systems their should not be a place for even single bug(which can lead to system failure).Therefore such systems require rigrous mathematical methods for correctness checking.So formal verification methods are used to verify such systems.
Here in our study of implementation of such class of languages(synchronous languages) for safety critical systems we have divided our work in various tasks. The main objective here is to produce a complete safety critical system(like road traffic management) by using these languages and to draw a conclusion how such class of languages are more advantageous than our conventional languages, and also to figure out what problems are their with conventional language.
Synchronous interpretation allows Lustre and Scade to be advantageous over other class of languages for designing safety critical systems. Since synchronous interpretation makes the system Deterministic (order of inputs and outputs are same), this makes the system predictable. Hence it makes the system easier to understand and debug, therefore it is easy to verify. Also synchronous approaches help us to find temporal bugs easily. Lustre code can be converted to efficient sequential code. Lustre formalism is very similar to temporal logic, which allows the user to write programs and express specifications. It is based on logical notion of time where physical time is
replaced by logical order of events/actions. We can verify the system by checking safety
properties using a synchronous observer. SCADE is a commercial tool, it is an IDE consisting of various tools like system modeling,
simulation, qualified target code generation(which is authorized code ), Design verifier (for verification of system specifications). C code generated in both Lustre and Scade is a subset C code (jumps, dynamic memory allocation, unbounded loops etc are
absent) so the execution time is always bounded. This makes system predictable. They both generate automatic code and hence avoid error prone task of actually implementing the algorithm on target code. Hence we can conclude that Lustre and Scade are suitable
for designing Safety critical systems.
1. Adaptive cruise control
So we have planned firstly to implement adaptive cruise control application</http://en. .org/wiki/Cruise_control>.
Here single lane with one way traffic will be their. Two firebird bots are moving one after the other. Their are obstacles and huddles in the road. Both bots are following whiteline path. so it means that second bot always follow the first bot.Both bots can increase or decrease their speed. But the constraint is : they have to maintain a minimum safe distance.If first bot increase its speed than second bot should also increase its speed in order to check it. But if first bot decrease its speed than second bot should also decrease its speed to maintain a safe distance between them.
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