Lucifer Project

The Lucifer Project is a hypothetical project proposed by conspiracy theorists, stating that NASA plans to intentionally crash the Cassini-Huygens orbiter into Saturn and start a nuclear fusion reaction, with the use of the space craft's propulsion system as the catalyst, and turn Saturn into the solar system's second star.
The Lucifer Project can also apply to Jupiter where NASA has admittedly already inserted plutonium in 1995 and 2003: ,"Two GPHS-RTGs, 103 RHUs on orbiter, 17 RHUs on atmospheric probe" and September 2003 Galileo spacecraft plunge, "The solution was two radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs) which powered the spacecraft through the radioactive decay of plutonium-238". Recent events in the form of unusual multiple Jupiter "impacts" that were before considered "very rare" (and which now have conveniently been put forward as common) have been interpreted as evidence that indeed the insertion of plutonium deep into Jupiter (allowed by the equation-of-state of the carbon sleeves which hold the plutonium) has had an effect.
The said "impacts" can be construed as internal fusion events that have sent "thermal convection shafts" to the surface of Jupiter (October 19, 2003 and July 19, 2009). Mystery Mark and Impact Event.
In addition to this, mainstream astronomy sites have failed to mention that the "Jupiter flashes" witnessed on June 3, 2010 and August 20, 2010, which were also said to be more "impacts", were actually "antipodal" (occurring on direct opposite ends of Jupiter when viewed in L3 data). This suggests extremely strong electrical activity emanating from the center of Jupiter and diminishes the claim that these flashes were impacts. A book published in 2010 covers the scientific evidence for the above theory: Lucifer Project theory
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