Lu Yu-hsiu

Lu Yu-Hsiu (born 1963) is a Taiwanese-Austrian musicologist and a noted author. The author of “Music History of Taiwan”.
Lu yu-hsiu completed her Bachelor of Arts at Taiwan Normal University in 1986. Then she went to Austria and studied at the Institute of Musicology of University of Vienna, specializing in systematic musicology under Professor Dr. Oskár Elschek and Professor Dr. Franz Födermayr. In 1992 Lu yu-hsiu received her master’s degree in philosophy with a thesis on “The Interpretation Style of Pipa” (Die Interpretationsstile der Pi-pa). In 1996 Lu yu-hsiu received her PhD with a dissertation on “A Study of Vocal/Singing in Beijing opera” (Studien zur gesanglichen Stimmgebung der Beijing-Oper).
Lu yu-hsiu got involved with and has been driven to play an important role ensuring the continuity of the aboriginal music of Taiwan upon her return to Taiwan! She focuses her research primarily on the aboriginal music and culture, ancient Chinese history and iconography of music. She is also interested in the research of ethnic minority music of the Yi people in YunNan, a province in the southwest of the People’s Republic of China.
Lu yu-hsiu is currently professor at National Taiwan Normal University, institute of Ethnomusicology. She has been a chair professor at Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing, China.
1. A Rolling Age. Farmer’s Songs in Malan, Taitung: Chu-yin Culture and Arts Troupe, nominated for the 22nd Golden Melody Awards for Best Traditional Interpretation Music, 2 CDs + booklet + Postcard, 2011
2. Searching for Polyphony. Recollecting the Lost Old Songs of Taitung Amis, 3 polyphony CDs + Booklet, winner of the 25th Golden Melody Awards (2014) for Best Traditional Album, 2013
Select publications
1995 “Kann die‘Kleine Stimme’der Beijing-Oper mit einem Registerbegriff beschrieben werden?”Systematische Musikwissenschaft III/2. 337-346.
1999 “Die Konzeption einer Klangwelt in der klassischen chinesischen Gelehrtenmalerei.“ Systematische Musikwissenschaft 6/1. 87-93.
2003 taiwan yinyueshi (Music History of Taiwan), Taipei: Wunan cbs.
2003 guohua guyue - gugong canghua zhong de yinyue chengxian (Chinese Painting Ancient Music -Music in Chinese Paintings held in the Taiwan National Palace Museum) (CD-Rom), Taipei: Soochow University.
2005 “Cultural Reflection on Musical Ideas of the Tao Tribe”, in zhongyang yinyue xueyuan xuebao (Journal of the Central Conservatory of Music) 99: 23-28.
2006 “The Musical Behaviors in Tao’s Singing Party”, in zhongyang yinyue xueyuan xuebao (Journal of the Central Conservatory of Music) 102:38-42
2007 Tao Handclapping Singing Party (with CD). Taipei: Nantian cbs.
2007 “The Musical Phenomenon and Social Context of Tao’s Anood (Ballad) in an Inaugural Ceremony,” in minus quyi (Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore) 156:11-29.
2007 “Faces of the Tradition - The Transmission of Musical Form and the Conceptualization of Tradition among Taiwan Aborigines”, with Sun Chun-Yen, in Zhishan 2: 21-42.
2007 “Style and Character of the Saysiyat Music”, in Yuelan 96: 57-61.
2008 “Music and Dance of Taiwan’s Tao Tribe”, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Austronesian Music and Dance. Taidong: Taidong wenhuaju, 17-28.
2008 The “Non-Equal Temperament” Phenomenon in the Music of Malan Amis”, with Wong Chi-wen, in Guandu yinyue xuekan 8: 133-144.
2009 “Overlapping and Extending of the Time in Saysiyat Music”, in minus quyi (Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore) 166: 125-140.
2009 “Richness & Diversity Make Taiwan’s Music Stand Out”, in Embracing Magnificence. Beauty of Taiwan Performing Arts. Taipei: The National Chiang Kai-Shek Cultural Center, 11-13.
2009 Explorations in Musicology - New Trends of Researching Music in Taiwan, Taipei: Wunan cbs.
2010 “A Phenomenon or a Concept? The Polyphony of Aborigines in Taiwan”, in The Fourth International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony. Tbilisi: Tbilisi State Conservatoire. 395-408.
2010 “To Continue or Abandon the Tradition: A Study of the Popular Music of Taiwan's Aboriginal People”, in zhongyang yinyue xueyuan xuebao (Journal of the Central Conservatory of Music) 1: 46-50, 118.
2011 “Die Klangwelt der Ureinwohner Taiwans. Forschungsergebnisse und -moeglichkeiten zur Klangfarbe”, Klangwelt. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 171-182.
2012 “Development of a New Polyphony Style - Case of the Taiwan Aborigines”, in The Fifth International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony. Tbilisi: Tbilisi State Conservatoire, 2012: 77-83.
2012 “The Inclinations and New Vision Extension in the Researches on Pre-Qin Music History: Taking Mythology as an Example”, in renmin yinyue 8: 58-61.
2012 “The Taste of the Low Sound - A Case of the Sound of the Tibetan Instrument Dungchen”, in zhongyang yinyue xueyuan xuebao (Journal of the Central Conservatory of Music)1: 18-27.
2014 “Research Aspects and Methods of Iconographic Materials in Music History”, in zhongyang yinyue xueyuan xuebao (Journal of the Central Conservatory of Music) 2: 90-94.
2015 “The Polyphonic Logic in the ‘Overlapping of Voices’ (Yaqiang) during the ‘Pipe Smoking’ Events of the Yi Ethnic Minority”, in zhongyang yinyue xueyuan xuebao (Journal of the Central Conservatory of Music) 139:44-50.
2015 “Is the Song of the Amis Polyphonic of Monophonic”, The Seventh International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony. Tbilisi: Tbilisi State Conservatoire. 83-85.
2016 “The Study of Tapang Mayasvi Ritual Music as Oral Cultural Heritage”, in minus quyi (Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore) 192: 167-197.
2017 “Looking for Names of Dieshi Musicians - from “Amateur Performance of National Minorities” to Intangible Cultural Heritage”, in yinyue tansuo (Explorations in Music) 3: 7-13.
2017 “Melody Texture of Ze Bi Band’s Septet in Di Shi Village”, in yishu tansuo (Arts Exploration):146: 86-91.
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