Love Neco

is a yaoi manga illustrated by Kazuhiko Mishima. It follows the tsundere uke and the cat-like seme.
A new twist on the "love doll" genre. Tempted by an internet advertisement for a "Necoco" doll series, Eiji orders one on a whim, imagining a moe-tastic hadaka-apron-wearing girl to show up on his doorstep. Instead he gets a scrappy looking boy, and to make matters worse... he's an aggressive, tough-talking little brat.
*Eiji Yabuki is the main character and tsundere character. He is the owner of Necoco and a high school teacher. He tries to avoid Necoco's sexual advances, but fails.
*Necoco is Eiji's Neco Doll was created by Asakura and his crew. He is sexually-aggressive, a bit crybaby and loves Eiji a lot.
*Asakura is the creator of all Neko dolls. He have a crush on Eiji, but doesn't reconcile his feelings. He is the main character of the sequel Aigan Kitty.
*Toshiaki is the main character of Good Awakening to the Master one-shot manga.
*Mimio is Toshiaki's Neco Doll.
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