Love Equation

Love Equation
“Who knew love could kill...”
By Norman Lesperance Director
“Love Equation” is a film about a love triangle, actually, a love hexagon. It is laced with lust and betrayal between friends and lovers, but none of this backstabbing is done out of malice. Rather, it comes from a core desire we as human beings all share: to find a connection with another, a bond in which we no longer feel like we have to try. We can just be. And to find this, is to solve the equation. In this particular case, a group of five friends each find a different connection with the same woman. The woman, stricken with guilt and grief, commits suicide. She leaves a tell-all tape, confessing how much they all meant to her for different reasons. Her goal is not to sabotage the friendship, but instead to help salvage it. Her hope is that they will all understand that no one ever intended to hurt anyone else. It was all just driven by the need to solve the equation.

If you can take the leap of faith and accept that this woman’s guilt would drive her to take her own life, then the last emotionally charged 30 minutes of the film would truly satisfy. Using a series of vignettes as his palette of colors, director Miguel Mas paints a compelling portrait of the individual relationships, allowing us to experience the genuine and unique love that they each share with one other.

Upon first hearing the premise, I initially thought it a bit hard to swallow, but as the film crystallized on the screen before me, I found myself genuinely captivated by the crisis of conscience of these characters. Mas directs with his heart and you can feel it in every frame and in every performance. He can easily be compared to David Lynch’s genre, “with a touch of romantic existentialistic latin flavor.”
By the end, the premise no longer felt far-fetched. After all, people do crazy things for love.
Movie website
Mas’ website
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