Louis Turi

Louis Turi is a French astrologer, clinical hypnotherapist and astropsychologist.
Turi was born and raised in Provence, France. Following four alleged UFO experiences, Dr. Turi was "downloaded" the secrets of the Cosmic Code and was influenced to re-kindle Nostradamus' methods of Divine Astrology, he also spent many years studying the seer's Cabalistic healing method. He moved to the United States in 1984 and has since established himself as a clinical hypnotherapist, astropsychologist, author, and motivational speaker. He was featured in the Marquis Publications Board "Who Is Who in America" in 2003 following a series of printed, dated predictions broadcasted live on Coast To Coast am radio with famous host George Noory.
He regularly publishes his predictions under the form of quatrains and key words on all major websites, Facebook, Myspace and in his world wide read newsletters.
A self-published author, his books include Asia Dragon Predictions, And God Created the Stars, I Know All About You, Power of the Dragon, Beyond the Secret and the annual Moon Power Star guide.
Turi resides in Phoenix, Arizona.
* - [http://books.google.co.uk/books?iddkr-O05M4m8C&printsecfrontcover&dq=And+God+Created+the+Stars&hlen&eibjBHTcq9HYmLhQfF8938AQ&saX&oibook_result&ctresult&resnum1&ved=0CCkQ6AEwAA#vonepage&q&ffalse And God Created the Stars by Louis Turi] ISBN 0-9667312-7-1
* - Beyond the Secret - Louis Turi - Autobiography ISBN 0974520934
* - [http://books.google.co.uk/books?idrO5DnXnbDl0C&printsecfrontcover&dq=Louis+Turi&hlen&eiVTtHTYb8HcmwhQfh_-DQAQ&saX&oibook_result&ctresult&resnum1&ved=0CC4Q6AEwAA#vonepage&q&ffalse The Power of the Dragon] ISBN 0966731220
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