Loraine Felix

Loraine Felix is a Swiss singer-songwriter. She was born in 1983, in Liege, Belgium, where her parents were working at that moment. The family moved back to Geneva soon after that.
Her educational background is in Arts, majoring in music. She also attended different courses and workshops on music composition and lyricism in Paris with the famous songwriter Claude Lemesle.
Since 2006, she has worked with the pianist from Lausanne, Tim Haller.
Over her career she has performed in different regions in Switzerland and France, Belgium and Canada.
Her first album, "Mine de rien" was released in 2009. It had a great reception by the media and public in the French-Swiss region.
Her second album "Au coin de l´oeil" was released in 2014.
In 2007, she was awarded the public´s choice award in the "Voix de Fête" festival.
In 2009, she represented Switzerland in the Canadian Festival « Du haut des airs »
In 2010, she was part of the "rencontres d'Astaffort" created by Francis Cabrel
She was awarded the 3rd prize in the 2010 edition of the « La médaille d'or de la chanson » in Saignelégier, Switzerland.
In 2013, she took part in the "Pause Guitare" Festival, which included artists like Mika and Iggy Pop.
In 2019, she released on youtube one of her new songs, "Autant de Prenoms" telling the story of the names that have marked her life in different ways .
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