Lone Islands

In the Chronicles of Narnia, The Lone Islands are a set of three islands - Felimath, Doorn, and Avra - that are part of the Narnian empire. They became attached to the Narnian crown when King Gale of Narnia killed a dragon that ruled them during the era before The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe took place. The full title of any Narnian King is "King of Narnia, Lord of Cair Paravel, Emperor of the Lone Islands." Narnian Queens such as Susan and Lucy Pevensie hold the title Empress of the Lone Islands. The illegitimate White Witch also claimed the title of Empress as well as that of Queen of Narnia and Chatelaine of Cair Paravel.

The Lone Islands are mentioned in several books in the chronicles, but are the scene of action in only one book, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. In that book Caspian X,
Lucy and Edmund Pevensie, Eustace Scrubb, and Reepicheep go ashore on Felimath where they are taken prisoner by slavers. Caspian is rescued by Lord Bern, one of the seven loyal Telmarine noblemen who had been exiled by Caspian's uncle after his father's death. From him he learns that the Islands' government has become corrupt, due to the wealth flowing from the main seaport's having become a transit-point in the slave trade. Caspian returns to the Dawn Treader, goes to the governor's office in Narrowhaven, and forces the governor to resign, creating Lord Bern as the Duke of the Islands. He also declares the slave trade abolished and recovers the other captives. The Dawn Treader remains in port for several weeks to outfit for the journey east. Little is mentioned about the Lone Islands in later stories.


Early Period
Almost nothing is known about the early period of the Lone Island's history. They were presumably settled by the descendants of King Frank I and Queen Helen.

Around 302 Narnian Time, a dragon was plaguing the inhabitants of the Lone Islands. King Gale of Narnia killed the dragon and the grateful inhabitants made him Emperor of the Islands.

King Gale presumably instituted the Governorship of the Islands. The practice continued over the next millennium, until the time of Gumpas, Governor of the Lone Islands in the early 24th century. Slavery had been allowed to grow rife in the islands and the government had become very corrupt. Due to the Telmarines' fear of the sea, the Islands had achieved practical independence from their Narnian overlords. Tribute ceased around 2100, about a century after the conquest of Narnia by the Telmarines. However, all official business was still carried out in the name of the King of Narnia. Trade with Calormen and the other islands in the Eastern Ocean had become vital to the Islands' economy.

In 2306, King Caspian X of Narnia, arrived unexpectedly in the Lone Islands and demanded the rendering of the tribute out of the personal capital of Governor Gumpas and the immediate abolition of slavery in the Islands. When Gumpas refused, he was removed and Lord Bern installed as Duke of the Lone Islands.
The Dukedom seems to have been generally prosperous, despite Bern's dire predictions of a war with Calormen upon Caspian's departure into the eastern seas.

Lone Islands, The

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