
Loggepils is a Norewgian (also used in the other scandinavian countries) expression, first coined in Heimskringla.
Over time the expression has be "watered out", also a Norwegian expression, meaning mixed with water or thinned with water.
Hence the double g's of the word.
Loggepils has been the debated for a long time i Norway, often following the mandatory end of party, Ante-Joiken.
The use of the expression has diminished in the last centuries, but has kept it's hold in parts of middle Norway.
In both Hamar and Lillehammer the expression is regarded as a natural occurrence. Just like beer at Sanktansaften.(Midsummer's Eve)
When a family has been out hunting squirrels, it is quite common to take (or have) a Loggepils.
After the introduction of the internet the expression Loggepils has gotten several meanings, one of which is not connected to wood lodges.
Other common situations when one will attend and/or make and/or witness a loggepils is after a semi-successful hanglider, paraglider or cliffhanger flight.
Common hails during Loggepils
"Hiv ei reke til på grillen"
"Rai Rai, pels på knaggen"
"Opp i trærne, av med klærne", roughly translated "Up in the threes, get naked"

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