Lithuanian Ley

Lithuanian leyline exists at the border of Vilnius town, Vilnius district and Kaisiadorys district in Lithuania. It was first described in 2006 by G. Porutis . Lithuanian leyline is astronomically orientated and has a direction of 122-302 degrees. It is composed of six mark points, four of them are churches . It was found, that five mark points could have been cultic centers in the past.

Mark points of the Lithuanian leyline
Paparciai church is one of the mark points. It is standing outside Paparciai town, 1 km to the North from the historic centre of the town. As other churches of a leyline, it was built at ancient cult place. Around the church there are other ancient cult objects. The old cemetery was at this place in the past.
Marks in the field, which could be observed during the spring, when vegetation revives after the winter. It could be, that they are because of an ancient way, as Watkins suggested.
Dukstai church. The Lithuanian leyline crosses the church of Dukstai town. Ethnologist, archeologist and geographer K. Tiskevicius, traveling by the river Neris in 1857, visited Dukstai and described the church . The surroundings of Dukstai have a big concentration of historic cult objects: moulds, marked stones and others. -Stone with a runic inscription is found about 600 m apart from the Lithuanian leyline.
Two churches of Suderve. The place, where the old church stood, is 210 meters away from the present church along the direction of the leyline. The architectural style of the temple resembles the Vilnius Cathedral. In the middle of this church it is found a stone with a hole with encrypted date 1726, which is older that the church itself . Close to the church there are found more stones with the holes: Mikulioniai stone, Paduobuzis village stone, which name is "Moletai church".
The cemetery of the Sun. Going by the leyline to the South-East, after 17.6 km there is cemetery, called "The cemetery of the Sun". The Sun rises exactly at this hill during some of traditional astronomical festivals.
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