List of Zambian names

Natota means "Thank you" in Chilamba
Pezo means expensive ornament in Luvale
*Musonda means "the taster" and ukusonda is "to taste" in Chibemba,
*Chuma means "wealth" in Chibemba.
*Chanda means "Gods compassion" in chibemba.
*Mumba means "inside the house" in Chibemba.
*Kunda means "Love" in Lala.
*Nkandu means "the warm one" in Lala
Natasha means "Thank you" in Chibemba
Bukata means "Glory (God's)" Chibemba
Ndona means "Lady Doctor" in Luvale
Wankumbu means "He (God) is merciful in Chibemba
Chilufya means the one who is lost or the one who deceives in Ichibemba
Nalucha means the fierce one in Silozi
Kasuba means "Sun" in Chibemba
Kawanga means "Magic Charm" in Luvale
Mapalo means "God's blessings in Chibemba
Tepwanji means " patience" in Namwanga
Bumi means "Life" in Chimbemba
Chola also means "bag or sack" in Chibemba
Zangi means "Love" in Luvale
Kutemwa means "to be loved" in Chibemba
Nkonde means "bananas" in Chibemba
Bowa means "mushrooms" in Chibemba
Bwembya means "whip" in Chibemba
This is a list of Zambian names, not including all the tribes of Zambia.
* Alinani means "He (God) is with me" in Namwanga/Mambwe
* Alinaswe means "He (God) is with us" in Namwanga/Mambwe
* Banji means "we are many" in Tonga
* Beenzu means "visitors" in Tonga
* Bupe means "gift" in Chibemba & Kikaonde
* Busiku means "night" in Tonga & [
Mbuyoti means blessed in Solozi
* Chabota means "It is beautiful" in Tonga/Tonga
* Chawezi means "gift" in Tumbuka/ Tumbuka
* Cheelo means "ghost" in Tonga
* Chendabushiku means "night walker" in Chibemba
* Chibwe means "big stone or rock" in Chibemba
* Chikondi means "love" in Chewa
* Chikulu means "first twin" in Chibemba
*Chimwemwe means "joy" in Nsenga
* Chipo means "gift" in Tonga
*Chisanga means "Founder" in Chibemba
* Chola means "one born after a twin" in Chibemba
* Choolwe means "luck" in Tonga
* Dalisani means "bless us" in Chewa
* Dalitso means "blessing" in Chewa
* Ganizani means " think" in Chewa
* Hachikoko means "harvest" in Tonga
* Kabwe means "the precious tiny stone" or small rock" in Chibemba
* Kalenga or Mulenga means "creator" in Chibemba
*Kaingu means Leopard in Silozi
* Kalinda means "watcher" in Chibemba
* Kapya means "second twin" in Chibemba
* Kasunga means "keeper" in Chibemba
* Kaweme means "the beautiful one" in Chibemba
* Kondwani means "be happy" in ChiTumbuka & Chewa
* Kumbukani means "you must remember" in ChiTumbuka & Chewa
* Lelato means "love" in Lozi
* Limpo means "gift" in Lozi
* Lukundo means "love" in Namwanga/Mambwe
* Luwi means " mercy, kindness" in Lunda
* Luyando means "love" in Tonga
* Mainza means "one born in the rainy season" in Tonga
* Malindi means "holes" in Tonga
* Maluba or Chiluba means "flowers" in Bemba
* Mansa means emperor or king in Luba/Lunda/ Bemba
* Mapalo means "blessings" in Chibemba
* Mapenzi means "trouble or problems" in Tonga
* Masauso means "trouble or problems" in Chewa
* Masuzyo means "troubles or problems" in ChiTumbuka
* Mayaba means "a prematurely born baby" in Tonga
* Mbuyi means "older twin" and Kapa "younger twin" in Lunda
* Milimo means "work" in Tonga & ChiTumbuka
* Misozi means "tears" in Chewa
* Mpimpa means "the 'folding' twin" in Tonga
* Mpangalusya means "Giving in abundance" in Namwanga
* Mubanga means "strong" in Chibemba and is the name of the uMubanga tree
* Mujinga means "curled up" or "twisted" in Lunda for a child born with its umbilical cord around the neck.
* Mulonga means "river" in Tonga & ChiTumbuka
* Musunga means "soft or porridge" in Chibemba
* Mutende means "peace" in ChiTumbuka & Chewa
*Mutale-means "start with this before you do anything esle(priority)" in bemba
* Mutinta means "different" in Tonga
* Mwiza means "you have arrived" in ChiTumbuka & Mambwe
* Natasha means "I am thankful" in Chibemba
* Nchimunya means "the same as the one before" in Tonga
* Njavwa means "Help me" in Namwanga/Mambwe
* Nsansa means " happiness" in Chibemba
Nsungwe means “to be take kept/taken care of”
* Nsonyi means " shame" in Lunda for a child born to a woman who remained childless for a long time.
* Ntembwa means "first twin" in ChiTumbuka
* Nyuma means "second twin" in ChiTumbuka
* Tafika means "we have arrived" in ChiTumbuka & Chewa
* Takondwa means "we are delighted" in ChiTumbuka & Chewa
* Tamara means "some loved ones are no longer with us" in ChiTumbuka
* Taona means "we have seen" in ChiTumbuka & Chewa
* Taonga means "we are thankful" in ChiTumbuka & Chewa
*Tapiwa means "we have been given"
* Temwani means "be joyful" in ChiTumbuka
* Thandiwe means "beloved" or "the loved one" in ChiTumbuka & Ngoni
* Thokozani means "be thankful" in Chewa
* Thukudza means "exalt" in Chewa
* Tikambenji means "what can we say" in Chewa
* Tilabilenji means "what can we say" in Nsenga
* Wankumbu means "He (God) is merciful" in Namwanga/Mambwe
* Watonta means "She is tired" in Namwanga/Mambwe to indicate that the mother might not want any more children.
* Wedi for a first-born means "emerge" in Lunda. The second-born is called Chilondawedi meaning "the one who follows the first" and the last born child is named Kabinda meaning "to enclose doorway with posts".
* Wongani means "be thankful" in Chewa
* Twalumbu means "we thank you" Soli
* Chalwa means "it's fair" Soli
* Chiteu means "big leaf" Soli
* Taizya means " Thank you God" in Mambwe
* Kalonde "Find" Mambwe
* Limpo means "Gift" Silozi
* Munukayumbwa means "One who is loved" Silozi
* Mwangala means "Joy" Silozi
* Masiye means "orphan" Silozi
* Namatama means "big cheeks" Silozi
* Muhau means "Grace" Silozi
* Liseli means "Light" Silozi
* Likezo means "deeds/acts" Silozi
* Sepo means "Hope" Silozi
* Sepiso means "Promise" Silozi
* Tebuho means "thanksgiving" Silozi
* Sibeso means "plaything or toy" Silozi
* Tabo means "Joy" Silozi
* Lungowe means "Beauty" Silozi
*Tukuza means "we are coming" Nsenga
*Walukundo means "He(God is love)" Namwanga/Mambwe
*Ndiwenu means "Am yours God" Bemba
*Nasalifya means "Am thankful God" Namwanga
* Lubona means “a person who sees” or “the throne “ in siLozi.
* Tepwanji means " Be patient" in Namwanga.
* Sechelani means " be joyful" in Namwanga
* Luswepo means " Light " in Namwanga
* Wanjivwa means "He(God) heard us" in Namwanga.
* Niza means "I have arrived" or “I have come“ in Namwanga.
* Suwilanji means " Faith" in Namwanga.
*Chipapo means " Miracle " in Chibemba.
* kuzipa means" the beautiful one" in Maambwe/ Namwanga.
* Lubuto means " brightness " in Chibemba.
* Iñutu means " well wisher" in Silozi.
* Tapiwa means we have been given in ngoni.
* Thokozile - happiness , to be thankful.
Malambo (born during planting season Tonga )
Maliwe - Tonga (funerals)
Matimba -Tonga (muddy)
chisamu - Tonga (tree)
Moombe - Tonga (calf)
Musune - Tonga (ox)
Twambo - Tonga (discussion)
Malindi - Tonga (holes)
Machenje Tonga (fruits
called chenje)
*salifyanji-means be thankful in Namwanga.
*Muzima-means "the beautiful one "in Namwanga.
*Wankunda-means "God loves me"in Namwanga.
*Wila-means "Gift"in Namwanga.
*Nkumbu-means"mercy"in Namwanga
*Musenge is a relatively common middle name in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. MUSENGE comes first from the verb "kusenga", a plea to reconcile, to advise, to recreate union, cohesion, harmony between humans, nations. MUSENGE also means "advisor", who ensures the peace of hearts and minds between people in conflict. He also plays the role of reconciler in the royal or better the imperial court among the BALUBA during the Great Empire of the LUBA. The name Musenge is often place between the given name and a family name.
* Vyane-means "mine" or "my own" (plural) in Tumbuka
* Khumbo- means God's"will" or "want" in Tumbuka
* Tabene- means "ourselves" in Tumbuka
* Wezi- means God's"grace" in Tumbuka
* Wanipa - means God "has given me" in Tumbuka
* Namwene - means "myself" in Tumbuka
* Mbanandi- means " they are many" in Tumbuka
* Kaboni-means "witness" in Tumbuka
* Tiyezye- means "let us try" in Tumbuka
* Kutowa - means "beauty" in Tumbuka
* Chabilikila - means "it sounds" a chief spokes person in Chitabwa
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